My Eyes

Oh HAI everybuddy! I am going to TELL you some GOOD news. I am ALMOST completely FREE of my eosinophilic granuloma complex! My LAST outbreak was about TWO DAYS after my annual vet exam back in DECEMBER! I think the STRESS brought it on.
I NEVER told you very MUCH about my CONDITION back then, because I did not want my friends to WORRY about me. But for over a YEAR I got TERRIBLE ulcers on my FACE and I got STEROID shots almost EVERY month. Here is one of my WORST ones. I hope you do not think LESS of me now that you SEE how sick I was back THEN.
I was looking BACK at some of my OLD pictures, and I see how SKINNY my face was then! Can you see my SWOLLEN lip?
Besides the ULCERS on my LIPS, I would get all SORTS of crazy symptoms like big LUMPS on my CHIN, blisters on my PAW pads, SCABS on the back of my THIGHS, and my MUZZLE would sometimes swell up and FLUID would leak out of my WHISKER holes!
Anyway, for SOME reason, I am almost COMPLETELY better, except when STRESS makes me get another outbreak. I just wanted to let you KNOW that I am GOOD now!

Emergency of a blocked cat

Is he making frequent trips to the litter box and not producing urine? Is he howling and licking his genitals? Is he laying on his side, not moving, listless, not eating, vomiting?

If the cat is a male, he is at risk for an especially life-threatening complication of this syndrome: the urinary blockage.DO NOT PUT OFF HAVING THE CAT CHECKED! If the blockage persists for longer than 24 hours,urinary toxins will have started to build up in the system.

Mucus, crystals and even tiny bladder stones can clump together to form an actual plug in the narrow male cat urethra. The opening is so small that it does not take a lot to completely or even partially obstruct urine flow. Only a few drops of urine are produced or sometimes no urine at all is produced.

It is hard to tell when a cat is actually blocked as the inflammation, urgency, and non-productive straining also accompany cystitis whether or not there is a blockage. The easiest way to tell is by actually feeling in the belly for the presence of a distended bladder. It is often the size of a peach and about as hard and firm as a peach if it there is an obstruction. (Normal bladders are usually soft like partly filled water balloons and non-obstructed inflamed bladders are usually very small or empty). Still, while this size and texture difference is obvious to the veterinarian, most pet owners are not able to feel for the bladder correctly. If there is any question about whether a male cat is blocked, he should be taken to the vet for evaluation as soon as possible.

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